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Welcome to A Wikked Moon, your go-to Online Store for all things about The Gnostic Truth! We are proud to offer the complete selection by our author Mark Cordova. From Our Origin Story To decoding the Gnostic Scriptures, our books are sure to show you the TRUTH. View our Gallery to learn more... 

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About Mark Cordova

Mark Cordova spent most of his life as a professional musician playing drums. He began playing in clubs, parties, and venues at the age of sixteen. He then continued performing in concerts, lounges, and casinos professionally for thirty years. He also became a professional Muay Thai kickboxer in Las Vegas, Nevada. He then became a boxing trainer bringing forth many championships wins, including gold medals and national titles for young boxers. Thus, he lived all his childhood dreams.
Along the way, he had always been a truth seeker, studying many religions, circles, and spiritual groups. His path led him to the Gnostic Scriptures of Christ. From this knowledge, he has authored a book entitled “The Secret and the Truth of the Ages.” He has now, in this book, interpreted apocryphally the Gnostic scriptures of Christ, revising from all alterations into the words that Christ would originally have us know here and now.

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